Pet Care
Top 5 Tips for Training Your German Shepherd Puppy

Training your German Shepherd puppy is a great way to bond with your dog, and it can also help you better understand what they’re thinking. The more you know about your pup’s behavior and needs, the better equipped you’ll be to provide them with love and care.
Training will also make it easier for both of you when it comes time for training sessions or socialization events like dog parks or play dates with other pups in the neighborhood. If your dog knows basic commands like “sit” and “stay,” then he’ll be less likely to act out when he gets excited around other dogs or people in public places.
Positive Reinforcement
Positive reinforcement is a technique used to encourage good behavior in dogs. It’s the opposite of negative reinforcement, which involves using something unpleasant like a shock collar or loud noise to stop unwanted behavior.
Positive Reinforcement Examples:
- Giving your dog treats when he sits on command
- Praising your puppy when he goes potty outside (or not peeing/pooping indoors)
Establishing Rules and Boundaries
Establishing rules and boundaries is an essential part of training your German Shepherd puppy. Your dog will learn to respect your authority, which means that he won’t be so likely to pull on the leash or chew up your favorite pair of shoes.
The first step in establishing rules and boundaries is deciding what they will be. This can be difficult because every household has different needs and priorities when it comes to raising a puppy, but there are some general guidelines you can follow:
- Make sure all family members agree on what should be allowed or not allowed in the house (for example, no jumping on furniture).
- Do not allow any bad behavior from either parent dogs or siblings if possible! If this isn’t possible then try distracting them with treats or playtime outside before starting any training sessions so that everyone stays focused on learning new skills instead of arguing over whose turn it is next!
Socialization is the process of exposing your puppy to different people and environments. This helps him learn how to interact with other dogs and humans, which will make him more confident in new situations.
Socializing your German Shepherd puppy can be done by taking him on walks around the neighborhood, meeting friends at the park, or attending training classes where he’ll meet new dogs and people.
Obedience Training
Obedience training is the foundation of your German Shepherd puppy’s training. It’s the first step in teaching your dog how to behave and follow commands, which will help him in all other areas of life: agility, protection work and even family life.
When you think about obedience training, it might seem like a lot of work for both you and your pup at first glance–but if you break it down into smaller steps (like we’ll show you below), then it becomes easier for everyone involved!
Crate Training
Crate training is an important part of raising a puppy. It helps to keep your dog safe and secure, and it also teaches them to be calm in their crate.
Crate training is not only useful for housebreaking, but also for teaching your dog to stay calm when they’re left alone at home or when you’re out running errands. This can help prevent destructive behaviors like chewing on furniture or getting into trash cans.
To crate train your German Shepherd puppy:
- Put them in the crate with treats or toys that they love (like peanut butter) before leaving them alone for short periods of time–this will help make the experience positive instead of scary! You should also leave some water available so they don’t get dehydrated while inside their kennel if they need something else besides food while being confined there.*
Leash Training
Leash training is an important part of your German Shepherd puppy’s education. A leash can help you keep your dog safe, and it will help prevent them from running away or getting into trouble while they’re outside.
When leash training a German Shepherd, there are several things to remember:
- Always use a harness instead of a collar when walking your dog on a leash. Collars can cause damage to their necks if pulled too hard or left on too long (such as overnight). Harnesses distribute pressure evenly across the chest and prevent injury while still allowing you full control over the animal’s movements.
- Never allow your puppy off-leash until he knows basic commands such as sit and stay–and even then only under supervision!
Potty Training
Potty training your German Shepherd puppy is an important aspect of training the dog. It will help you to have a clean home and it will also teach your puppy not to go in certain areas of your home. If you don’t want to train them, they will use the floor as their bathroom and this can be very messy and smelly!
To start potty training with your German Shepherd puppy, make sure that they are fully vaccinated before beginning this process. This means that they should have had all three sets of vaccines including rabies by four months old at least (or sooner if possible). You also need to make sure that they have been spayed or neutered before starting this process so there aren’t any accidents due to hormones affecting their behavior during this time frame either!
Once those steps are taken care of then it’s time for us humans here at Doggy Dan’s House Of Training For Dogs & Puppies Incorporated Headquarters located somewhere near New York City but not really because I’m too busy being awesome all day long instead doing anything else like sleeping or eating food even though both sound really good right now but no matter what happens next week when I’m done writing this article today won’t come fast enough…
Preventing Problem Behaviors
Problem behaviors are the actions your dog takes that you don’t want it to. These can include things like jumping up on people, chewing furniture and other household items, barking excessively or digging holes in the yard.
To prevent these problem behaviors from developing in your German Shepherd puppy:
- Avoid using negative reinforcement such as punishment or yelling at your puppy when they do something wrong; this only teaches them that doing what you don’t want them to do will get them attention from you! Instead of punishing him for jumping up on people (which he probably does because he wants attention), try giving him treats when he sits nicely instead of jumping up on someone else
To conclude
- Training your German Shepherd puppy is an excellent way to build a strong bond with your dog.
- Training will help you understand your dog’s personality and needs, which can help prevent behavioral issues in the future.
- Training will also give you an opportunity to spend quality time together, which can be especially important for those who work full-time or have other commitments outside of the home.