The Rise of eSports: A Look at the Growth and Future of Competitive Gaming

What is eSports?
eSports is a form of competitive gaming that involves players competing against each other in video games. eSports has been around since the 1970s, when people played games like Pong and Pac-Man on arcade machines at bars and arcades. Today, eSports is a multi-billion dollar industry with professional leagues, tournaments and even betting sites dedicated to it.
The term “eSports” was first used by an editor at Twin Galaxies magazine named Todd Rogers in 1980 to describe how he would play Atari 2600 games against his friends in his living room (McAllister). The term became more popular after it was used again by Steve Harris in 1982 when he wrote about playing video games as a sport (McAllister).
The Growth of eSports
The growth of eSports has been rapid, with global revenue expected to reach $1.5 billion by 2020. The number of viewers has increased from 32 million in 2016 to over 300 million today. This is partly due to the fact that more people are watching competitive gaming than ever before–in fact, it’s estimated that there are over 200 million eSports fans worldwide!
The popularity of eSports has also led to an increase in participation rates among players and teams alike. In 2018 alone, there were over 2 million active players worldwide who competed in tournaments for titles like League of Legends or Fortnite Battle Royale (an online multiplayer shooter game).
The Future of eSports
The future of eSports is bright. It’s expected that by 2020, the industry will be worth $1 billion and there are already predictions that it could become an Olympic sport.
With technology continuing to advance at a rapid rate, we should expect eSports to continue growing as well. With virtual reality headsets and other immersive technologies like augmented reality becoming more popular every day, gamers will be able to experience games in ways they never could before–and they’ll also be able to watch others play those same games from anywhere in the world thanks to streaming services like Twitch (which was acquired by Amazon).
The Benefits of eSports
The benefits of eSports are numerous, but the most notable include:
- Opportunities for players. In addition to the obvious financial rewards, competitive gaming has opened up new career paths for people who love video games. Many players have been able to turn their passion into a full-time job and earn a living doing what they love. Some even make more money than professional athletes!
- Increased engagement with gaming. Competitive gaming has helped many gamers get more involved in their favorite titles by providing them with ways to compete against other players from around the world–whether it’s through tournaments or simply playing against friends online. This increased engagement can help developers improve their games based on player feedback (which can lead to better quality products). Additionally, because eSports competitions often feature unique gameplay modes that aren’t available in standard versions of these titles (such as Rocket League), this extra content attracts new players who may have otherwise been turned off by traditional one-on-one matches against AI bots
The Challenges of eSports
Despite the growing popularity of eSports, there are still some challenges that need to be addressed. One of these is mental health risks. According to a study published by JAMA Pediatrics in 2018, competitive gaming can lead to depression and anxiety among teens who play games excessively. Another issue is gender inequality: while more women are entering eSports than ever before–and they’re doing well at it!–there’s still a lot of work left before we see true parity between genders in competitive gaming.
Another challenge facing eSports is cheating and match-fixing; this has been an issue for decades now but seems especially prevalent today because video games have become such an integral part of our lives (and thus easy targets).
Getting Started with eSports
If you want to get started with eSports, the first thing you need to do is find a game. There are many different types of games out there and each has its own set of rules, strategy and tactics. Some games are more popular than others, but if you’re just starting out then it’s best not to worry about this too much; just pick one that looks fun and go from there!
Once you’ve picked your game (and hopefully started playing), it’s time to think about joining an online community where other players like yourself can meet up and play together. This will be important later on when we talk about finding coaches or teams.
Tips for Becoming a Professional Gamer
If you want to become a professional gamer, there are some things you can do to get started. First and foremost: practice! If you’re serious about becoming an eSports athlete, set aside time every day (or multiple times per week) where you can focus solely on honing your skills. This could mean playing against bots in practice mode or scrimmaging against other players online.
If possible, create a schedule for yourself that includes regular practice sessions so that it becomes part of your routine–this will help keep up with the discipline needed for this type of commitment. It’s also important not only to play games but also watch others play them; watching professionals play at tournaments is one way to learn from their strategies and techniques so that when it comes time for you compete professionally yourself, those lessons will already be ingrained within your muscle memory!
Creating an eSports Community
In order to create an eSports community, you need to organize tournaments. Tournaments are the most common way of competing in competitive gaming. They’re also a great way for players who want to get into the scene but don’t have teammates or opponents yet to meet each other and start playing together.
The next thing you can do is create an atmosphere where people feel comfortable talking about their experiences with competitive gaming and asking questions about it (like whether they should try out for a team). You can do this by hosting meetups at which you talk about how things work in eSports, offer mentorship opportunities for newcomers who want advice from more experienced players, and generally serve as a resource for anyone interested in competitive gaming but not sure where else they might find information about it besides websites like ours!
How to Get Involved in eSports
You can get involved in eSports by spectating tournaments, streaming games and volunteering for tournaments.
Spectating: If you’re interested in watching competitive gaming but don’t know where to start, check out Twitch or YouTube Gaming. These websites host streams from players around the world who are playing everything from Fortnite to League of Legends (LoL). You can also find matches on platforms like Facebook and Twitter if those are more your speed!
Streaming: If you want to stream yourself playing video games online, there are several options available. Some services require little setup while others offer more customization options–it all depends on what kind of computer setup you have at home! A few popular sites include Mixer (which works exclusively with Microsoft products), Twitch (which hosts most major esports events) and YouTube Gaming (for those who prefer Google products).
To sum the things up
- eSports is growing at an exponential rate.
- There are many benefits and challenges to eSports, but they can be overcome.
- The future of competitive gaming looks bright!