Meal Planning
Paleo for Beginners: A Comprehensive Guide to the Caveman Diet
What is the Paleo Diet?
The Paleo diet is a way of eating that mimics the foods our ancestors ate during the Paleolithic era. It’s based on meat, fish and eggs; nuts and seeds; fruit; vegetables; and healthy fats like coconut oil. It excludes all grains (including wheat), legumes (such as soybeans), dairy products such as cheese or yogurt, refined sugars and processed foods like oils made from corn or canola oil–all of which were unavailable until after humans began farming crops about 10 thousand years ago.
Paleo-Friendly Foods
- Grass-fed meats
- Wild-caught fish
- Eggs
- Nuts and seeds
- Fruits (with the exception of avocados, which are technically a fruit but can be used as a vegetable)
- Vegetables
Paleo Meal Plan
The Paleo diet is a great way to lose weight and improve your health. It’s also a very flexible diet, so you can easily adapt it to suit your own needs and preferences.
The following meal plan offers an example of how you might structure your meals on the Paleo diet. This plan is designed for someone who wants to lose weight but still eat some foods that aren’t strictly “Paleo.” For example, this person may be willing to eat eggs but not dairy products or legumes (beans). If you’re interested in following the strictest version of the Paleo diet–which excludes all grains, dairy products and legumes–check out our guide on How To Do The Perfect 30 Day Cleanse With The Paleo Diet Plan
Paleo Breakfast Ideas
- Eggs and bacon
- Avocado toast
- Protein smoothie
Paleo Lunch Ideas
- Salad with grilled chicken
- Tuna salad wrap
- Keto soup
- Keto burger
- Keto pizza
Paleo Dinner Ideas
- Keto chicken stir-fry
- Keto casserole
- Paleo tacos
- Paleo lasagna
Paleo Snack Ideas
- Hard-boiled eggs
- Cheese
- Olives
- Celery sticks with peanut butter or almond butter
- Keto bars (like Quest Bars)
There are plenty of other options for snacks, but these are some of the most common Paleo foods.
Tips for Sticking to the Paleo Diet
- Mental and physical preparation: Before you start, it’s important to mentally prepare yourself for the changes in your diet. This means that you should think about what foods you’re going to eat on a daily basis and how much time it will take to prepare them. If there are any foods that aren’t paleo-friendly (like pasta or bread), then consider replacing them with something else. You should also make sure that all of your kitchen equipment is ready for use so that nothing gets in the way of preparing meals quickly and easily.
- Willpower: It’s also important not only have a good support system around you when starting out with Paleo but also have enough willpower so as not fall off track when temptation comes knocking at your door! Don’t give up if things don’t go according to plan; instead keep pushing forward until success is achieved!
Paleo Recipes
- Keto breakfast burrito. This one’s a classic, and it’s easy to make. Just wrap eggs and sausage in a tortilla with some veggies on top.
- Avocado toast with lemon tahini dressing. This recipe uses coconut oil and almond butter as the base for the dressing, but you can use any kind of nut butter that you prefer–just make sure it’s unsweetened!
- Baked ziti with spinach and mushrooms (pictured). This recipe calls for ground beef instead of sausage or bacon (which are both considered off-limits), but feel free to substitute either one if you want something more traditional! You could also try making this dish without any meat at all by using vegetable broth instead of chicken stock when boiling your noodles; just add some Italian spices when cooking them so they taste authentic enough for your family members who love ziti without meatballs in them! Or just skip those two steps entirely by adding some sliced mushrooms into your sauce instead–they’ll absorb all those delicious flavors while they’re simmering away on low heat!
- Chocolate almond butter cups (pictured). These little treats are great because they’re portable; just wrap each individual piece up tightly so none falls out during travel time between home base (or wherever Paleo devotees live) and wherever else they need go throughout their busy day full of meetings/workouts/etcetera…
Paleo Meal Prep Containers
There are many options for storing your Paleo meals. You can use reusable containers, compostable containers, or insulated containers.
Compostable: These are made from plant-based materials that break down in a landfill environment. They are made from cornstarch and other natural ingredients such as potato starch or tapioca flour. They’re sturdy enough to hold food without breaking down quickly but will eventually decompose if left in the ground for long periods of time (about 10 years).
Reusable: The most common type of reusable container is a plastic bag with an airtight seal on top so you can pack your lunch without worrying about it spilling out over everything else in your bag! These come in all shapes and sizes–some even have multiple compartments inside so you can separate different types of foods from one another! You’ll want something large enough for holding 1-2 servings at once (the exact amount depends on what kind of meal prep recipe you’re making). If possible try getting ones with handles because then they’ll be easier for carrying around when full 🙂
Insulated: These are great if you live somewhere where temperatures fluctuate wildly throughout each season; these keep hot things hot while cold things stay cold longer than regular plastic bags do.”
Paleo Meal Prep Grocery List
- Grass-fed meats
- Wild-caught fish
- Eggs
- Nuts and seeds
- Fruits (in moderation)
- Vegetables