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The Future of VR and AR: 7 Exciting Trends to Watch


Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are two of the most exciting technologies to emerge in recent years. They have the potential to change our lives in ways we can’t even imagine, but what’s next? In this article, we’ll take a look at seven trends that will shape VR/AR over the coming years:

Increased Immersion

One of the most exciting aspects of VR and AR is their ability to immerse users in new worlds. As these technologies continue to improve, they’ll become more realistic and immersive than ever before.
The first step toward greater immersion is improved visuals: better graphics, higher resolution displays, and more lifelike environments will make you feel like you’re really there. But even with these advancements in place, it’s still not quite enough–we need more than just pretty pictures on a screen if we want our brains to truly believe that we’ve been transported somewhere else entirely.
To this end, researchers are working on adding haptic feedback (the sense of touch) into virtual reality experiences through devices such as gloves or suits that simulate pressure against our skin when interacting with objects within the virtual world; this allows us to feel textures like leather or wood grain rather than simply seeing them onscreen without any sensation whatsoever! Another way developers are working toward greater realism is by incorporating audio elements into their games so players can hear footsteps behind them while walking through dark corridors; this makes playing games much scarier because now there’s no telling what might be lurking around every corner!

Greater Interactivity

  • Voice and gesture recognition
  • Natural user interfaces
  • Augmented reality

Multi-User Experiences

Multi-user experiences are another exciting trend to watch. This is where you and your friends can all be in the same virtual space, interacting with each other and the environment around you. Imagine playing a game together or collaborating on a project from different locations–it’s like being able to meet up in person without having to travel!
This technology also has applications outside of gaming and entertainment: it could be used for training purposes or even remote work meetings (although we’ll have to wait until holographic teleconferencing becomes more advanced).

4. Expanded Platforms

The future of VR and AR is a wide-open space, with a lot of exciting possibilities. Here are some trends to watch out for:

  • Mobile VR: The current generation of mobile headsets have brought high-quality immersive experiences to millions of people who might not otherwise have access to them. As they get cheaper and more powerful, we’ll see even more people getting into the fun of virtual reality. You can already find Samsung Gear VR headsets at Best Buy stores across the country!
  • Standalone Headsets: These devices don’t require any external hardware like PCs or phones; instead they run everything on their own processors and screens inside the headset itself. In addition to being more convenient than tethered headsets (which need cables connected between them), standalone models also offer better performance because they’re designed specifically for VR/AR use cases rather than being repurposed from other technologies like smartphones or computers.”

More Advanced Applications

The technology behind VR and AR is advancing rapidly, which means that we can expect to see more advanced applications in the future. For example, medical and educational uses of VR/AR are likely to increase as it becomes easier for doctors and teachers to create realistic simulations of their work environments.
Similarly, automotive and industrial applications are likely to become more common as companies find ways to use these technologies effectively in their workflows. Finally, social and entertainment applications will also continue to grow as developers find new ways for people from all walks of life (not just gamers) to interact with one another through virtual worlds created by headsets like Oculus Rift or Microsoft HoloLens

Improved Accessibility

As VR and AR become more popular, it’s likely that they will become more accessible.

  • Lower cost hardware: The cost of hardware is already dropping. In fact, you can get a decent VR headset for $200 or less now–and even cheaper if you’re willing to sacrifice some quality (like Google Cardboard). As time goes on, we can expect this trend to continue until everyone has access to high-quality headsets at an affordable price point.
  • Accessibility options: Another way that VR/AR could become more accessible is through accessibility options such as eye tracking or voice control systems that allow users with disabilities or injuries access them without having to use their hands at all! This would be huge for those who are unable to use traditional controllers due their physical limitations but still want access into this new world of content creation possibilities!

Enhanced Privacy and Security

  1. Enhanced Privacy and Security
    As the world becomes increasingly connected, privacy is becoming a major concern for consumers. The rise of the Internet of Things (IoT) has made it possible for companies to collect data from our homes, cars and even our bodies–but how can we trust that this information will be kept safe? In order to ensure users’ security, companies must adopt new technologies like end-to-end encryption that allow only authorized parties access to sensitive information.

As you can see, there are many exciting trends to watch in the VR and AR space. The potential for innovation is huge, and it’s only a matter of time before we see some really cool applications of this technology.

  • Opportunities for innovation: There are endless possibilities when it comes to VR/AR, which means that developers will have lots of room to experiment with new ideas and technologies.
  • Benefits for users: One of the biggest benefits of VR/AR is its ability to make our lives easier by providing information that would otherwise be difficult or impossible to obtain through traditional means (like reading an article). This could include anything from shopping online while sitting at home instead of going out into stores; visiting places around the world without ever leaving your house; learning about anything under the sun (from history lessons all the way down through science experiments) without having any formal training in those subjects beforehand; etcetera ad infinitum!

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